
Sunday 2 March 2014

I was nominated for a Liebster Blogging Award? What's that?

Skincare should be a regular part of your healthy lifestyle.

My day began like any other. I woke up and checked my twitter feedback to get up to speed on what exciting things were happening in the beauty world. I discovered I had been nominated for a Liebster award by a fellow blogger Believe it Beauty. I was so excited...but yet had no idea what a Liebster Award was. lol.

So I thought I would look into it, participate and share the love in this awesome beauty blogging community I am so proud to be a part of.

The Liebster Award was created to show support and appreciate from one blogger to another. The award is for bloggers who have less than 500 followers. If you find blogs who fit this category and love their stuff...then nominate away. This helps new up-and-coming bloggers gain the exposure they so deserve!

Being nominated does mean there is some work involved, but you already love to write so that shouldn't be a it will help you gain exposure. 

Here are simple rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you through your blog and on social media
  2. Answer the 10 questions given to you and post in your blog
  3. Nominate bloggers you follow who have with less than 500 followers
  4. Post the 10 questions for your nominees to answer
  5. Tag your nominees & post a comment on their blog or via social media to let them know you nominated them

I love these rules because you are paying forward and helping other bloggers who you love gain exposure!! What an amazing blogging community.

So let's begin. First off I want to thank Believe it Beauty for my nomination. She is an Australian Beauty blogger and I love her beauty posts. I've included a link to her blog. xo

Here are the question Believe it Beauty asked me to answer:

1. Why did you start your blog?
I originally wanted to be a writer and while this is not the career path my life has taken, beauty blogging fulfils that creative urge I get daily during the monotony of my regular full time job. I also love to read other beauty bloggers to get great tips & tricks on how to stay looking younger as I approach my dreaded 40's! lol.

2. Primer…Fan?
Not needed. I love my skincare products and have found an amazing product that that has reversed the signs of sun damage and has evened my skin tone, so I no longer require primer .

3. Worst foundation?
Because of my skincare regimen I no longer need to wear foundation, so I can't really comment on this. But I always find that anything cheap and on usually cheap and on sale for a reason!! Stay away!

4. Favourite eyebrow product?
Mac all the way. Like "buttah" (And no...I don't work for Mac Makeup - just love their stuff)

5. You're in a club, do you dance or watch?
Hahaha...sorry. I'm almost 40, so I don't go clubbing much...I feel like a cougar when I'm out of the dance floor (that's why I'm laughing). Back in my day though - Dance, dance and more dancing.

6. Favourite eye shadow palette?
My favorite eye shadow palette is Mac - 
Vanilla, Charcoal Brown, Patina, Mulch, Cranberry, Satin Taupe, All That Glitters, Sable, Woodwinked, Naked Lunch, Sketch, Mystery, Wedge, Smut, Concrete. (Inspired by Tanya Burr)

7. What foundations have you worn this month?
None, as mentioned earlier I no longer need foundation (which is awesome) because of the skincare products I use.

8. If you were only allowed to wear one lipstick colour for the rest of your life what would it be?
Now that's not fair. There is no way I can choose just one lipstick for the rest of my life. Here are a few of my favorites though: Maybelline Fatal Red, Clarins Red Wine, Estee Lauder Mirrored Orchid, Estee Lauder Hot Lava, Rimmel As You Want Victoria

9. Favourite makeup brushes?
Mac! Love my Mac.

10. Painting your nails – Painful task or a routine pleasure?
Routine pleasure!! I don't do gel nails though as the UV light is bad for your skin and adds to the wrinkly old looking hands. I am proud to sport my own beautiful nails :)

11. What aspirations do you have for your blog?
I just want to continue to be part of this amazing community, learn new things from other bloggers, and hopefully share some beauty "nuggets" of my own.

Here are the nominees I feel are up-and-coming Canandian Beauty bloggers who deserve some more exposure. I strongly recommend you check out and follow their blogs - some great reads! :)

Here are the questions I am giving Chelsea Leigh, Your best and my pearls, and Cachoo to answer:

1. What is your favourite make-up brand? 

2. What/who inspired you to start blogging?

3. Favourite social networking site and why?

4. You're stranded on an island - What are the 3 beauty products you couldn't live without?

5. What is your favourite hair style when you are in a rush?

6. What is your skincare regimen?

7. What is the one product you recommend all beauty bloggers should use and why?

8. Favorite make-up brushes are...

9. What aspirations do you have for your blog

10. What is your favourite place in the world? and why?

Looking forward to connecting with other bloggers in the future. If you like my stuff, let me know. If you want more...tell me what you want!

...and remember, a healthy lifestyle includes skincare xo

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